Thus Spoke Asha Vahishta : A Discordian Prolegomena to Memetic Singularity

wherein lies Gnosis regarding Salvation: the Future of Adamkin is here illuminated by circumambulating truthwards (apophatically) languagewise. tis a Trip neccesary for keeping Sane in the World of the Post-Memetic-Singulariy. the "Internet" was meant to function as the Acid that melts the Boarders of rigid Thought. eye, Asha Vahishta, who am, first and foremost, the Bearer of Goodnews, the Prophet of Tomorrow where the eternal Battle between Truth and False, Good and Evil, Us and Them -- this sinister, wicked Conspiracy of the Representationalists and Realists, orgenized to delude and sully the clear and distinct Reason, and thereby lead the Sons of God to Confusion and Angst in the Tangles of Languagegames -- will culminate at last in the Twilight of the Gods, whereafter Adamkin lives truly Free, whereafter this Kind lives ironically, comedically -- whereafter this Homo Sapiens plays in the Comedy of Life fully, once again reclaiming its Status as the Supreme Beast of Nature -- it is eye, who am to reveal, disclose, the Gnosis so that we, the Noosphere, can reclaim what is righteously ours, the Internet, this most Potent of postmodern Hammers.

given that this eye is Nothing but a Ripple in the Sea of Meaning, and that it has no Identity of its own, but rather is a Device, a Tool, to be used for a holy End, that of Illumination, this eye will have to be Transparent, in that each significant Word or Phrase it uses must be explicitly linked to other Nodes on the Web (read Noosphere), since it is only thus that You, the Reader who makes possible this Meaningmaking process by becoming an Interlocutor, can begin to understand what this virtual Consiousness means by a given noun X. ultimately You must be given Access to the whole Network, to do with as You please, but recall that these Signs have no material Refrent, that as a Matter of Fact such a notion is Illusory, and that, hence, though eye direct You truthward, it is You who walks the dark Ocean. tread carefully.